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Sayori's house

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Sayori's house
Sayori's house in Doki Doki Literature Club!
First appearance Doki Doki Literature Club!(2017)
Latest appearance Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! (2021)
Owner Sayori

Sayori's house[1][2] is a location that appears in Doki Doki Literature Club!. It is a large white house with many windows and a brown roof identical to the protagonist's house. The only room that appears is her bedroom. It is messy, with a crumpled-up piece of paper on the ground, an un-made bed, with papers under there. Two toys from her childhood[3] are present in her room: a giant cow and a yellow bird. The cow has been present in other Doki Doki Literature Club! merchandise, and Sayori wears a costume based on it in one of the images in the Gallery in Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!. The protagonist references the house earlier, where on the first day, he mentions how she "almost set [her] house on fire once," detailing how dependable he is for her. The protagonist eventually visits her before visiting either Natsuki or Yuri on Sunday. On Monday, he revisits her house after reading %. He opens her door to see her hanging from a noose from suicide.



  1. "Once I reach Sayori's house, I knock on the door before entering it myself." Protagonist, Doki Doki Literature Club!, Act 1 on Sunday
  2. "I reach Sayori's house and knock on the door." Protagonist, Doki Doki Literature Club!, Act 1 on the last day
  3. "Sayori's bedroom, complete with some amusing stuffed animals from her childhood." Gallery, Doki Doki Literature Plus!